High Roller Wheel by the Numbers, Las Vegas, NV

I had a Math Happening! I was in Las Vegas for INNOV8 and was fascinated by the High Roller Ride! Each of the pods can hold up to 40 people!!! How fun!

Be a Problem Poser!

PROBLEM POSING: What questions come to mind? What do you wonder about?

a) If it moves 1 foot per second, how many feet in a minute? How long would my ride be?

b) If I knew the diameter, I could find the Circumference.
If I found the circumference, I can find how long it would take to make 1 full revolution…

INNOV8 TALK Click here for Math Happenings for Math Modeling.SUH ppt FINAL 2017 INNOV8 Multiplier and Building a Relationship

high rollerc700x420


PROBLEM POSING: What questions come to mind?

a) If it moves 1 foot per second, how many feet in a minute? How long would my ride be?

b) If I knew the diameter, I could find the Circumference.
If I found the circumference, I can find how long it would take to make 1 full revolution….


More Math factoid:

diameter: 520 feet
28 pods
550 feet high
40-person cabins
moves 1 foot per second
$19.99 discount
$35.49 Happy half hour

Below in the comment box please share some problems you would pose! I will share it with teachers and students! Thanks, Jenn