Category: Math Modeling

Math Modeling
Mathematical modeling is a process that uses mathematics to represent, analyze,
make predictions or otherwise provide insight into real-world phenomena.
Most short definitions we find emphasize this most important aspect, namely the relation
between modeling and the world around us.
– Using the language of mathematics to quantify real-world phenomena and analyze
– Using math to explore and develop our understanding of real world problems.
– An iterative problem solving process in which mathematics is used to investigate and
develop deeper understanding.

Adorable Penguins- Colony discovered!

From Off the coast of western Antarctica, a tiny archipelago called the Danger Islands has been home to more than 1.5 million Adélie penguins that were hiding in plain sight. The islands were long known to have penguins, but how many remained a mystery until satellite images and an on-the-ground survey revealed the colonies’ …

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