Category: Math Modeling

Math Modeling
Mathematical modeling is a process that uses mathematics to represent, analyze,
make predictions or otherwise provide insight into real-world phenomena.
Most short definitions we find emphasize this most important aspect, namely the relation
between modeling and the world around us.
– Using the language of mathematics to quantify real-world phenomena and analyze
– Using math to explore and develop our understanding of real world problems.
– An iterative problem solving process in which mathematics is used to investigate and
develop deeper understanding.

34 million pizzas at 50% OFF

Here is a delicious math happening!!! Right now you can order any pizza from Dominos for 50% off and in their  TV Commercial, they boast ’34 Million Ways’- Wow!  Problem Posed: How did they combine all options to get to the total number of possible combinations as 34 million? Information needed: This is what I found …

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